7V Heaven


by Evelyn (5-P-3) FPE

Eddie didn't look forward to the coming week. The past week had been another in which he had not made a sale. His commissions on his sales for the two previous weeks were enough to carry him for another week, but if things didn't pick up soon, he didn't know just how he would make out.

He was a machinist by trade. He had served in the navy during the war, and after his discharge he had worked at his trade in a small shop in the city. A recession was on, and the shop had closed up. There seemed to be plenty of machinists, but not much work for them. Eddie in desperation had become a door to door salesman of vacuum cleaners. He had made a few salés; enough to keep him going, but he knew he was no salesman, in the first place he didn't like it, and he was of too kind and gentle a nature to push himself forward in order to be successful.

So this Saturday evening he was looking at the want adds in the Sunday paper in the hope of finding something that would suit him better. It was